Sequentex partners with Alocity to enhance our capabilities in the critical domain of Physical Security. Alocity brings specialized expertise and advanced solutions to the partnership, aligning seamlessly with Sequentex’s dedication to delivering integrated, state-of-the-art technology solutions that drive organizations forward.

The collaboration with Alocity allows us to augment our suite of services, particularly in the area of Physical Security. Alocity’s innovative technologies and tailored solutions contribute to Sequentex’s mission of providing comprehensive and effective security strategies in today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape.

By integrating Alocity’s expertise into our offerings, Sequentex ensures that businesses have access to cutting-edge Physical Security solutions. This partnership enables us to deliver holistic security strategies that address the intricacies of modern security challenges, helping organizations safeguard their assets and operations with confidence.

In summary, Sequentex partners with Alocity to strengthen our commitment to excellence in Physical Security, ensuring that our integrated services meet the evolving security needs of businesses and provide them with the advanced solutions required to navigate the complexities of the contemporary security environment.


The Swiss Army Knife of Access Control

alocity Simple, Powerful & Affordable Cloud Access Control Solution

Powerful Software Features


Manage one or hundreds of sites, doors, users, roles & groups.

Manage Anytime, Anywhere

Easily manage users, credentials, revoke access and create lockdown rules anytime, anywhere from any device.

Real-Time Visibility

Keep a system of record, associate video with access events, and receive alerts on critical-events as they occur.

Smart Automation

Setup powerful integrated workflows to trigger events, processes and alerts.

Secure by Design

Our platform runs on the Cloud, with complete end-to-end encryption – using the most advanced tools and security infrastructure.

Instant Alerts

Receive real-time alerts of critical events by email, text or dashboard.